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More Gibson products
Double sg


This model it was used for Jimmy Page on Stair way to Heaven but do not bee fooled, this not a double guitar it´s a common guitar whit a Dorcela, the Dorcela generate a rich sound for a special melodies or harmonies like the introduction of Stairway to Heaven.

Es an Archtop
Are a similar guitar but Es it´s used for jazz communally and another’s use this guitar for the classic rock, this model was used for The Beatles, and brought awesome solos and licks for a lot of time, it´s like a grandfather of a lot of guitars.
The sound of this guitar isn´t for rock, the specialty of this guitar is the cleaned sounds and relaxed licks.
This guitar it´s the specialist of rude riffs, whit this guitar you can bring all power of pall muting and a fast notes, incredible solos because it´s just perfect for play Metal and Rock, but sure, if you like of this guitar you can play another kind of music this guitar is perfect for you.

Which is the diference of the Epiphone Goldtop and the Gibson Goldtop?
The Epiphone basically has the same design. What I like the Epiphone model is the finish that has the Goldtop. It has a style in the style of the seventies, which is brighter and much more gold. Of course the mast is the same as I like, the pickups are the traditional Seymour Duncan Alnico IIs. It is a wonderful guitar and is very well made, I have already played it and what surprises me is its great quality and for the price. It is a guitar that I recommend for any guitarist that is starting and because it will also give you what you need at any level of your career. At the same time it is cheap enough to buy when you know you are starting, it is really a very good option.


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